Sign Up For Triple P Parenting Skills Group PRE-REGISTRATION TRIPLE P Save Your Seat! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone Number * (###) ### #### Age Group interest * Parent of Children Ages 0-12 Parent of Teenagers Both Select a Group To Join * Which Group is Right For You? Sign up to be contacted about FUTURE IN PERSON Parenting Group Dates Sign up to be contacted about FUTURE VIRTUAL Parenting Group Dates For The 8 week Group, are you able to commit to all of the 8 weeks? * Yes No N/A- Joining One Time Discussion or Seminar Who can we thank for a referral? Any Other Information You Want To Provide? Thank you For Pre- Registering for one or more of our Parenting Groups!A LUCA Staff Member will reach out to you within 72 hours. If you have any further questions please give us a call! 480.582.2871 After submitting your reservation request, someone from our agency will contact you to finish registration